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A Ferocious Battle

Braver than flying rats
More cowardly than pizza rats
It circles the blanket as
light falls through the still-wet leaves
of the still-wet trees
surrounding us.
(like a spotlight on a ring)
(like we are fighters sizing each other
(like a sheriff and a bandit in the Wild West)

Do I throw something?
one arm raises, ready to attack
Do I defend?
its tail rustles, eyes dont
break contact
Do I move?
one ear twitches, waiting for one mistake

I put down my food.
eyes narrow
Tension swells.
inches closer
I raise my umbrella.
The umbrella e x p a n d s.
I lower it.
It’s gone.
Tree rats will not win today.

Broken Willpower

A looming presence with an icy inside
holding what keeps me alive.

Mostly empty it stays
in this foreign space
always just one door away.

It has one job, and does it very well
to hold all its contents in its freezing prison cell.

‘Free the prisoners!’ It calls, day after day,
when I’m hungry, or I’m bored, or I’m making mistakes.

And mistakes I make, when my willpower breaks,
And I open the door to greet my gluttonous fate.


Take a look around, what do you see?
Coffee, Croissants, Waffles, and Tea
Instagram foodies and people on dates,
Students with laptops and workers who wait.

Smooth sounds flow through the open air
following the aroma of espresso, always there.
There would be a meet cute, if this were a show
It’s nice to think about - it won’t happen though.

String lights on wooden walls and art in ceramic cups.
Just what about it is there, to be so fond of?
Is it the overpriced food or the immaculate vibes?
Or the breath-taking aesthetics that pleases the eye?

What is it that I’m so fond of, just what?
I sit down and waves of nostalgia fill me up -
Of sweet moments and fun and laughs without reason
and memories of friends and college app season.

And that’s when it hits me, that mysterious reason,
it once was my own personal Eden.
Sit here with me and then maybe you’ll see,
there’s more to this place than just coffee and tea.

crush >///<

Long conversations from day until night
so easy
to talk about everything anything nothing
A budding sensation sneaks up

and makes the world be a little brighter
so pretty
to dream of yesterday reminisce tomorrow
A stroke of serendipity

maybe that created happier months
so welcome
to be comfortable in silence with rosy cheeks
And a rosier heart inside

which speeds up and beats a little quicker
so thrilling
to daydream about worlds of possibilities
But for now, this much is enough

in this prison built with love

In a forest shrouded with mystery
where a wake of creatures have come to weep
lay a girl with ethereal beauty
calm and serene, cursed to eternal sleep

A curse from her own naive desire
when the sin of temptation grew too much
the blood red apple she had to acquire
and take a bite of soon as it was touched

In a glass coffin she lays, still breathing
unbeknownst to the sorrow in the air
they lament: no more clandestine meetings
but still, she's here, even now, the most fair

And here she waits, in this prison built with love
cold and unfeeling, like the stars above

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